| 1 | '''[/wiki/dicca Start page]''' - [/wiki/dicca/trust Trust] - [/wiki/dicca/maintenance Maintenance] - [/wiki/dicca/construction Construction] - [/wiki/dicca/household Household] - [/wiki/dicca/kitchen Kitchen] - [/wiki/dicca/information Information] - [/wiki/dicca/garden Garden] - [/wiki/dicca/audiovisual Audio and visual] - [/wiki/dicca/finance Finance] - [/wiki/dicca/courseregistration Course- and registration] - [/wiki/dicca/centermanagement Center management][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]] |
| 2 | |
| 3 | ''Select committee above to view its tickets.'' [[BR]][[BR]][[BR]] If any ticket is marked with [/wiki/keywords proper keyword], they should also appear in one or several of the [/wiki/keywords collection lists]. [[BR]][[BR]] |
| 4 | [[BR]] |
| 5 | |
| 6 | == Recent activity == |
| 7 | '''Recent activity among tickets I own or reported''':[[BR]] [[TicketQuery(reporter=$USER,or,owner=$USER,max=7,order=modified,desc=1)]] |
| 8 | |
| 9 | '''Recent activity among all other tickets''' |
| 10 | [[TicketQuery(max=7,owner!=$USER,reporter!=$USER,order=modified,desc=1)]] |
| 11 | [[BR]] |
| 12 | |
| 13 | == All my tickes (action points) == |
| 14 | [[TicketQuery(owner=$USER,status!=closed,format=table,order=priority,col=summary|priority|component)]] |
| 15 | [/query?status=closed&owner=$USER&order=priority&group=component&col=id&col=summary&col=component&col=milestone&col=type&col=owner&col=status&col=changetime&order=component&max=1000&report=32 View closed tickets i own] |
| 16 | == All my reported tickets == |
| 17 | [[TicketQuery(reporter=$USER,status!=closed,format=table,order=priority,col=summary|priority|milestone|component|owner)]] |
| 18 | [/query?status=closed&reporter=$USER&order=priority&group=component&col=id&col=summary&col=component&col=milestone&col=type&col=owner&col=status&col=changetime&order=component&max=1000&report=32 View closed tickets i reported] |